Scholarship Registration Form Applicant's Full Name *Father's Name *Mother's Name *Gender *MaleFemaleDate of Birth *Nationality *Mobile Number *Email Id *Address *Permanent Address *Category *Religion *Family Income *Aadhaar No. *0 / 14Name on Aadhaar *Qualification DetailsMatriculation (10th details)Name of the Board/council *Institute Name *Year of passing *Maximum Marks *Marks Obtained *10th Percentage *Intermediate (12th details)Name of the Board/council *Institute Name *Year of passing *Maximum Marks *Marks Obtained *12th Percentage *DocumentsPassport size photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileAadhaar Card *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file10th Marks Card *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file12th Marks Card *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileIncome Certificate *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCast Certificate *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSignature *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileDeclarationI hereby certify that the information given by me in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I fulfil the eligibility criteria and undertake to produce original documents whenever necessary. I agree to abide by the declaration of the authorities regarding the eligibility of my application and understand that any misinterpretation or omission of facts in my application may lead to cancellation of candidature. Send Message